Raw Vegan Banana Shake

Nov 30, 2023

- 2 ripe bananas
- 1 cup of coconut milk (or any plant-based milk of your choice)
- 1 tablespoon of raw almond butter (peanut butter with peanuts as its only ingredient is OK)
- 1 tablespoon of raw honey or maple syrup (optional, for added sweetness)
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- A handful of ice cubes (I don't like much water content in mine)

1. Peel the bananas and break them into chunks.
2. Place the banana chunks, almond milk, almond butter, honey or maple syrup (if using), vanilla extract, and ice cubes into a blender.
3. Blend on high speed until all the ingredients are well combined and the shake is smooth and creamy. If the shake is too thick, you can add more almond milk or water to achieve your desired consistency.
4. Taste the shake and adjust the sweetness if needed by adding more honey or maple syrup.
5. Pour the banana shake into a glass and serve immediately.

Optional variations:

  •  Add a tablespoon of raw cacao powder for a chocolate banana shake.
  • Sprinkle some cinnamon or nutmeg on top for added flavor.
  • Add pumpkin puree and spices for a pumpkin spice treat.
  • Add a few strawberries or other fruits.  Be creative.
  • I prefer to use dates as my sweetener.  Sometimes I will use "Sugar in the Raw" turbinado sugar in small amounts. 
  • Spirulina Powder, Frozen Dragon Fruit in tiny amounts can change the color vividly blue, green pink, purple, add essential nutritional elements and not add much to the flavor profile. 

- Calories: 300-350 calories - Fat: 10-15 grams (mainly from almond butter) - Carbohydrates: 45-50 grams (mainly from bananas and any added sweeteners) - Protein: 5-7 grams  - Fiber: 5-7 grams  Please note that these values are approximate and can vary depending on the specific brands and quantities of ingredients used. Additionally, if you make any modifications or additions to the recipe, the nutritional values may change. It's always a good idea to double-check the nutritional information of the specific products you use to ensure accuracy.


Raw Vegan Banana Shakes: A Healthy and Fun Delight for Kids!

When it comes to finding nutritious and delicious options for children, raw vegan banana shakes are a fantastic choice. Packed with natural goodness, these shakes not only satisfy their taste buds but also provide essential nutrients. In this blog post, we'll explore why children love raw vegan banana shakes and the various options they come with, including chocolate, other fruits, and even adding small amounts of spirulina to change the colors. We'll also discuss how making these shakes can be a fun activity to do with kids, all while promoting a healthy lifestyle.

1. The Allure of Raw Vegan Banana Shakes:
Raw vegan banana shakes have a natural sweetness that appeals to children. The creamy texture and familiar taste of bananas make them an instant hit. By using raw ingredients, we ensure that the shakes are free from processed sugars, artificial colors, and additives, making them a healthier alternative to store-bought options.

2. Exploring Flavorful Options:
a. Chocolate Banana Shake: Adding raw cacao powder to the basic recipe transforms the shake into a chocolatey delight. Kids will love the rich and indulgent taste, and parents can rest easy knowing it's a healthier choice than traditional chocolate milkshakes.

b. Fruit Variations: Get creative by adding other fruits to the mix. Strawberries, blueberries, or mangoes can add a burst of flavor and additional nutrients. Let your child choose their favorite fruits to personalize their shake.

c. Powdered Spirulina & Frozen Dragon Fruit for Colorful Fun:

Adding a small amount of spirulina powder can change the color of the shake, making it visually appealing to kids. Green, blue, purple, and pink shakes can make drinking them a fun and exciting experience.

3. Making it a Fun Activity:
Involving children in the preparation of raw vegan banana shakes can be a great way to spend quality time together while teaching them about healthy choices. Here are some ideas to make it an enjoyable activity:
- Let them peel and break the bananas into chunks.
- Allow them to choose the fruits or flavors they want to add.
- Experiment with different colors using spirulina powder and let them mix it in.
- Encourage them to help blend the ingredients and pour the shake into glasses.

4. The Nutritional Benefits:
Raw vegan banana shakes offer a range of essential nutrients for growing children:
- Bananas provide potassium, vitamin C, and dietary fiber.
- Raw cacao powder is rich in antioxidants and minerals like iron and magnesium.
- Additional fruits add vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
- Spirulina offers protein, iron, and other essential nutrients.

Raw vegan banana shakes are a delightful and healthy treat that children love. By incorporating different flavors, adding fruits, and even changing the colors with spirulina, we can make drinking these shakes a fun and exciting experience for kids. By involving them in the preparation process, we not only create lasting memories but also instill healthy habits. So, grab your blender, gather the ingredients, and enjoy the goodness of raw vegan banana shakes with your little ones today!